Mike the Bi Bike Guy from Pennsylvania
Mike is a bike salesman in Pennsylvania, and he shared with us his unique coming out story, his efforts to restore his foreskin and expressed his gratitude to all the gay activists who worked hard to make it possible for him to live an authentic life.

Gay Student in Tennessee Plans for Dental Career, Marriage, Children and a Big House
Nathan is a 22-year-old gay college student who grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee, and came out of the closet pretty early in life. He says he’s on a mission to become a dentist, get married, have children and live in a big house. After several dating relationships, he may be close to his goal with his current boyfriend, Kyle.
- healthcare
- transgender
- African-American
- Coming Out
- Pansexual
- Rural
- small town life
- Music
- Entrepreneur
- Gratitude
- Slate of Hate
- Alberta
- Friendships
- brothers
- mom
- Foreskin Restoration
- motherhood
- Married
- Pride Mobile App
- Girlfriends
- Business
- Catholic
- visibility
- suicide
- addiction
- California
- Florida
- Interracial relationships
- Canada
- Discrimination
- Corporate America
- culture war
- Pansexuality
- harm reduction
- politics
- iowa
- asian-american
- student
- Tennessee Vols
- Transgender teens
- economic power
- Refugees
- double minority
- ally
- romance novel covers
- pride directory
- poet
- Kindness