Life in Canada

This busy woman is making change in Calgary

Aime Hutton

You might have thought being gay in Canada would be a much better experience, but as it turns out for Aime Hutton of Calgary, there are some similarities to the United States LGBTQA+ experience.  In this episode, she tells her story of coming out, finding herself and ultimately giving back to the community.

She's a busy woman trying to make things better.

Inspiring each other to live our best gay lives

The Gay in American Podcast is an oral history project where we share stories from the LGBTQA+ community to inspire each other to live our best gay lives and to understand that our shared experiences are what unite us as a community.

The Host

I grew up in West Texas in the 80s where being gay could be a death sentence at worst and a difficult life at best. For the next 30 years, I’ve navigated through the complexities of being Gay in America while serving in the US Army, being married to (and divorced from) a wonderful woman, earning a master’s degree as a university student, being a parent, being an entrepreneur, working for a large engineering company, and now working hard to become a full-time sailor. It’s been a fascinating and challenging ride for me. Buy me a beer, and I’ll tell some tales (some of which might even be true).

I created this podcast, to collect some of the crazy stories our community has to tell and to celebrate all the things we do to create meaningful lives while being Gay in America.

— Robert

Where to Listen

Share Your Story

If you’d like to inspire others with your own story, we’d love to hear from you. Every episode is edited for clarity and interest, and our guests approve their episode before it’s aired.

YOU can participate in the production of this podcast!

Share Your Thoughts | Record the Intro

Tell us how this podcast has impacted your life by leaving a short voice message below and we’ll add it to a future episode of the podcast. It will ask for your name and email address, but you can remain anonymous if you prefer. I will reach out to you before we use your recording.

You can also audition to be our intro for a future episode. Record the script below and we may use it to open a future episode!


Gay in America is an oral history podcast sharing experiences of gay people from all orientations, backgrounds and ages in America. Our goal is to inspire each other to live our best gay lives and help us all understand that our shared experiences unite us as a community.

[Feel free to put your own creative touch on this script! That’s what makes this fun.]